Five Ways to Prevent Thefts from Your Car During the Holiday Season

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is encouraging citizens to LOCK IT OR LOSE IT. The Lock It or Lose It campaign is used to remind everyone that leaving your vehicle unlocked may increase your chances of becoming a victim of theft. The holiday season is no doubt, the time of year that sees criminals out and about looking for gift-packed cars.

During the campaign, police officers and auxiliary members may examine parked vehicles in public places such as shopping malls and/or public parking lots. An officer may place a small notice on vehicles checked indicating what safety precautions were neglected and offer simple prevention tips for drivers to protect their vehicles against theft. The notices also congratulate drivers who have secured their vehicle.

Here are five ways to help prevent thefts from your car:

1. Always roll up the windows of your car, lock the doors and pocket the key.

2. If you have a garage, use it and lock the door to the garage and your vehicle.

3. Always park your car in a well-lit area.

4. Never leave valuable objects or packages in full view in your car — always put them in the trunk.

5. Never leave your vehicle unattended while it is running.

Sean Kavanagh 905.220.9198
Leo Manchisi 905.334.9650