August Real Estate Sales Stats

Real estate statistics for August prove we are still heading in a positive direction.  All numbers from Toronto to Hamilton are up in both units sold and average sale prices.  For a complete and detailed report on real estate stats in your neighbourhood, please send me a brief message letting me know the neighbourhood in which you live and I will be sure to get you a report sent out right away!

Percentage increases reflect the increases from August 2009 compared to August 2008.

Toronto Real Estate Board – Units sold are up 28% and average prices are up 6%.

Hamilton/Burlington Board – Units sold are up 11% and average prices up 3.3%

Oakville/Milton Board – Units sold are up 20% and average prices are up 2%

Burlington Market – Units sold are up 13% and average prices are up 5%

Oakville Market – Units sold are up 23% and average prices are up 2.3%

Milton Market – Units sold are up 11% and average prices are up 9%

Remember!  It is important for you to look to you specific neighbourhood to see how your local market is moving.  For more information, Click Here

For more information on buying or selling real estate in Burlington, Hamilton, Oakville, or Toronto Ontario, or if you have questions about current market trends, mortgages or interest rate information, please visit the Sean Kavanagh Real Estate Resource Centre at, or at   I’d be happy to answer any questions to accommodate all of your real estate needs.  Follow me on TWITTER or FACEBOOK!  You can also contact me at 905-220-9198 or at as I am now a moderator on the Ontario Real Estate chat forum as well as the Burlington, Ontario sub-forum.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Sean Kavanagh

Building Lasting Relationships and Exceeding Expectations

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